Homestead Roofing Blog

My Bathroom Fan Is Leaking!

"My bathroom fan is leaking!" If your bathroom vent fan has water leaking around or next to it, the problem may not be...

Selling a Home With T-Lock Shingles

Why could it be a potential problem to try to sell or buy a house with T-Lock shingles?

Roofing Scams And Trusted Roofers

TJ Klassen of Insurance Centers of America discusses what she does as an insurance agent. Hear what she advises her...

Meet Steve Muzzipapa And The Secret Garden

Meet Steve Muzzipapa, a Colorado Springs resident since 1971, and a client of Homestead Roofing since 2014. He also...

Paying Your Insurance Deductible For Your New Roof

You may be wondering about paying your insurance deductible, and who collects that money.

Will You Help Me Pay My New Roof Insurance Deductible?

Sometimes, homeowners will ask us, "Will you help me pay my insurance deductible?"

What To Do After It Hails in Colorado Springs

Many people don't know what to do after it hails and immediately call their insurance company to request to have an...

Why Your Insurance Check Is So Low

We regularly get phone calls from to homeowners who are concerned that they won't be able to get their roof replacement...

Why You Shouldn't Let A Door Knocking Roofer On Your Roof

Colorado Springs has been bombarded with three hailstorms so far in May, 2018. This means that there may be a flood of...