Homestead Roofing Blog

Know What Your Deductible Is Before Filing A Roof Claim

Counting down the Top 10 Roofing Mistakes Homeowners Make... Avoid Mistake #8 and being on the receiving end of a very...

Make Sure Your Roofer Doesn't Vandalize Your Roof

Roofers that are out for a fast buck may be tempted to cause damage to a roof that may not be accepted in an insurance...

Roof Contractors With Fake Insurance

When the roofing industry slows down in our market, oftentimes roofing subcontractors try to save money by canceling...

No Garbage Left Behind After Roofing Project

We’ve been waiting for this system to get shipped to us for weeks and it’s finally here! As part of our commitment to...

Homestead Roofing Has Input In The Roofing Industry

A couple of weeks ago, Homestead Roofing participated in our 3rd local Professional Roofer Advisory Council (PRAC) at...

Scam Alerts!

As Dickens famously introduced “A Tale Of Two Cities,” “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,” the...

Why It Matters What Roofing Contractor You Choose

There are two common mistakes that people make when they're deciding on who to hire as a roofing contractor: 1)...

Hail Storm In Colorado Springs!

Beginning around 1:30 in the morning on June 13th, a massive storm cell began moving through El Paso County. It's fury...