Homestead Roofing’s Holiday Hours

  • November 20, 2019

Time To Give Thanks

2019 is drawing to a close. We've almost made it through another year. To all of our clients and referral partners, we want to extend the warmest possible “THANK YOU.” Once again Homestead Roofing has been blessed with all that we need – and more – through the help of all of you.

The Homestead Roofing office personnel includes Tracy and Beth Bookman, Shawn Stickel, and Jeff Smith. Our field personnel includes Juan Lomeli and his crew of 5 to 9 other installers and helpers. Not only have the needs been met for all of us and our families, but Homestead Roofing has been enabled to have a global impact, helping to meet the needs of people around the world. God has blessed us to be able to financially support organizations such as HeartCry Missionary Society, Frontline Missions, Missionary Aviation Training Academy, and others. Each of these organizations is involved in important works of supplying for the physical and spiritual needs of hundreds, and thousands of people, and they are making an eternal difference. If you would like to know more about any of these missions groups, I encourage you to check them out online, or if you want to sit down at a restaurant some time, I'd be more than happy to explain to you what they do and why we support them. It would be an honor.

Time To Rejoice

Most years, the roofing business in this area is crazy. We're commonly going more than full speed 50-60 hours a week for much of the year. In all the craziness, I often forget Jesus' exhortation to his disciples to “rest a while". But at this time of year, in order to make time for ourselves and our families, and in order to “recharge” for the upcoming year, we intentionally slow down and close our office for several days. I also normally treat our employees, their families, and all members of our crew with their families to lunch and a family-friendly activity. The last 2 years, we've gone bowling.

Below is a list of our year-end/year-beginning holiday schedule.

  • Thursday, November 28 – office closed
  • Friday, November 29 – office closed
  • Monday, December 23 – office closed
  • Tuesday, December 24 – office closed
  • Wednesday, December 25 – office closed
  • Thursday, December 26 – office closed
  • Friday, December 27 – office closed
  • Monday, December 30 – office closed
  • Tuesday, December 31 – office closed
  • Wednesday, January 1 – office closed
  • Thursday, January 2 – office re-opens

During our shut-down, though no one will be at the office, our voicemail will be monitored and we will be responding to urgent needs and emergencies. Our email accounts will be monitored every 2-3 days during that time.

As we move into 2020, we're approaching Homestead Roofing's 7th anniversary. Again, we would have never made it this far without all of you, so I'm planning a celebration, and want to include as many of you as we can. Many of you may remember our Homestead Roofing Hoedown which we held to celebrate our 5th anniversary. We'd like to do something similar, so I'm open to suggestions.

I would be remiss in thanking all of you without acknowledging the divine Fountainhead of all of our supply. Through Jesus Christ, God has supplied for all of our needs according to His riches, therefore, since you all have been a blessing to us, so let me leave you with a blessing to close your 2019.

“Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you will abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13)

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