Homestead Roofing Blog

Dam Problems On Your Roof In The Winter

Even though this Fall has been temperate and mild, winter will be settling in soon with its frigid temperatures, snow,...

DIY: Screen Cleaning

Winter is the time of year when your screens and windows will get the dirtiest, so here's some instructions on how to...

Why You (DON'T) Need To Get 3 Estimates For Your Roof!

We've all heard this conventional wisdom: “Get 3 estimates!” Many times, it's really good advice. However, when you...

What's The Deal With HVAC?

First, what is HVAC? That's the system in your house or business for your Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning....

7 Secrets Door-To-Door Roofers in Colorado Don't Want You To Know

Every year, storm-chasing roofers scam thousands, even hundreds of thousands of dollars away from homeowners in...

Do I Have To Sign Anything From a Roofer Doing a Free Inspection?

Remember last month we began a series entitled, 7 Questions To Ask Your Roofer? Well, really, it should more accurately...

What Is Ice And Water Shield

What is ice and water shield? IWS installation is an important component for a roofing system. It's important to know...

Drones And Denied Roofing Claims

The use of drones is becoming more common in the insurance adjusting industry, resulting in more denied roofing claims....

Recoverable and Non-Recoverable Depreciation

Virtually every property insurance claim will include depreciation. We want you to know the difference between...