There's a cold front moving into our area today and I happened to walk past a crew roofing a house in winter. I don't think this was the best day to choose to do this job, and the homeowner may encounter some problems in the future with the durability of the roof.
Where we are, the weather cooperates with us enough to allow roofing in all 12 months of the year. However, there are some conditions and other issues that need to have the roofer's attention to be able to roof in the winter time. These include weather conditions, type of material being used, etc. The bottom line is, roofing a house in winter is possible, but the conditions need to be right to get a good installation.
Homestead Roofing, Inc is a licensed and fully-insured roofing contractor in Colorado Springs, Colorado We serve homeowners in Colorado Springs, Fountain, Falcon, Peyton, Manitou Springs, and other surrounding communities.